How do I add a score table?

Field check > Score tables


There is always a default score table present (default); it cannot be deleted.

A score table already in use cannot be deleted either.

  • To add a scoring table, click the "New entry" button.

  • Enter the name of the score table.

  • If you want to use it as your default score table, place a check mark at "Default score table".

  • Using the "Add score" button you can set the scores.

    • Code: enter a code

    • Score: determine the score you want to assign to the code (score must always be numeric and positive)

    • Description: enter a description of your code

    • Rejected: determine if this code should be rejected

    • Delete: a score can always be deleted

  • Click on "Save

Using the double arrow you can drag the score.


After you have saved the scores you can add the translation of the description in the 4 basic languages. You do this by clicking in the description box.

These scores are used to calculate the total score of a checklist. The total score is displayed in %.

If a checklist was uploaded from the Fieldcheck app you will see that the approved scores will then color green and the rejected scores will have a red background color.