How can I forward documents to another environment?

How can I forward documents to another environment?

In order to forward documents to another environment a link needs to be made.

For this you need to contact Quasydoc.


What else do you have to do after Quasydoc has done the configuration?

In the master environment (= the environment which wants to forward the documents):

  • At Human Resources create a function (for example, approver of external documents)

  • At Local management >Company data - document management tab Chapter: “Other”

“Approve externally created documents” still indicate who is authorized to do this

  • At Local management > Company data - document management tab - “Other” section.

“Can assign documents a linked environments” - function define who can do this.


If this is done you can link documents.

Go to your master environment: Document management > Documents

Here you will see a new tab "Link environments".



If you open this tab, you will see all the linked environments.


Select the environments to whom you want to forward the document (last approved version) and click save.

These documents are then visible as an overview in the client environment (= the environments to whom you want to send the documents) at Document management > External documents


You can also link environments via an matrix.

In the document overview screen you can link documents to several environments at the same time via the “Link environments” button.

Here the documents of which there is a last approved version are shown; as well as per column the environment.

With the filter “Link environments” you can determine the number of columns/number of environments you want to be visible in your screen.