How do I limit the customer view per user?

How do I limit the customer view per user?

In quasydoc you have the option to limit the customer view per user.

Local Administration > Company Data

  1. Select Tab "Parameters"


2. Scroll through to "Other"

3. Check the box " whit customer details, show tab page to indicate which users can see the concerning costumers".

4. Click on "Default rights"


5. Select the users who are allowed to see all clients.


6. Click save on the default rights screen.


7. Then click save at the top of the screen


8. On Basic Data > Customers(V2), an additional tab "Users" appears.


9. On the "Users" tab, designate whether the restricted user is allowed to see the customer.


10. Click on "Save."

11. Repeat steps 8 until 10 for all clients a user is allowed to see.


When the user logs in, he can only see the clients to which he is linked.

This selection is also extended to the other modules e.g. customer orders.